From the publication of the Pandora Phone Number List Papers. With less than six months in power, the government was already suffering significant wear and tear, reflected in a sharp drop in approval in the polls the scandal arising from the publication Phone Number List of the Pandora Papers. With less than six months in power, the government was already suffering significant wear and tear, reflected in a sharp drop in approval in the polls1, in the gradual activation Phone Number List of social mobilization.
In the climate of confrontation with the Phone Number List Legislature and in a defensive position against investigations into tax havens. The political toboggan has put at stake, in record time, the permanence, the program and the governability of the self-styled "government of the encounter." What is at stake: facts and meaning The Phone Number List security crisis and the daunting prison situation Ecuador still preserved the imagery of an "island of peace" in the midst of the violence of neighboring countries. That illusion has been shattered: so far this year there have been nearly 2,000 violent Phone Number List deaths, and the homicide rate has doubled since 2016, going from 5.81 to 10.62 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021two.
The news and social networks are full Phone Number List of executions as a result of hired assassins and the unusual violence that accompanies criminal acts. In this scenario, the barbarism of the prison reality exploded. Already in 2020 there had been bloody riots in several prisons in the country and so far in 2021 there have been more than 250 deaths of Phone Number List people deprived of liberty, which occurred in three major events (with 118, 79 and 22 deaths respectively) and in the daily murders3. The harshness of the images and the certainty that the State has Phone Number List lost control of the rehabilitation system contrast with the turnover of responsible.